Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bombshells 6 Cover Art

Here's the artwork that I created for the cover of my new sketchbook, "Bombshells 6".

This was drawn on 11 x 17" Bristol board with pencils and then colored in Photoshop.

I will be posting the actual cover and info on the sketchbook itself soon.



  1. She looks gorgeous, Mr Dodson. Please sir, I hope the new book will be large sized like the Bombshells Sketchbook Collection by BrandStudio Press back in 2010, as they make great art collectors items / coffee table books for entertaining geek friends. The price really won't matter to the fans, as we love your art :)

    Plus, If you're ever too busy to color the covers of the Sketchbook you could have a contest for your fans across all fansites to get it done with different styles. No need to pay the fans or the winner, as they can be told that a "honorable mention" as the colorist on the inside cover of the book will be done as a thanks. So many people color your old stuff at DA and other websites, just for fun; just thinking out loud :)
