The clock was really ticking on the deadline at this point so I went in and really finished up Rogue's face. I selected and colored the skin line art (on a separate Screen layer) and added the next level of detail to her face.
I started adding reflective lighting to Rogue's costume picking up the flames and her face reflecting on the top of her chest.
I also pushed the next level of rendering on her costumes, a few more darks and lights that added the warmth of the flames.
Also, I didn't like how the flames looked, so I added depth to them by separating them into a fore-, middle- and background elements - and this really helped. I also started colorizing the line art on them as well.
Finally, I added another laying of rendering to Gambit and Danger. I used a combination of the Pencil tool at Normal 100% and Multipy at 50%.
At this point there are only two layers - one is the background layer for all the coloring and the next a Screen layer for the coloring the line art.