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Monday, July 27, 2009
Back from San Diego
MadeitbackfromSanDiegolatelastnight.Everythingwentwellandwasgreattomeetsomanyofyou.Scoredsomecoolbooksandartand managed to get a good dozen sketches done which I will be posting soon - you can see the first two above. I planned to do all my sketches on colored paper with colored pencil and pens like I have done for the last few years but between my house and the con booth Imanagedtolosethepaper!So...Ihadtoimproviseandendedupinkingallmysketchesasdoingfullpencilsforeveryonewasn'tgoingtohappen. Fortunately my booth mate Aaron Lopresti, had some paper and pens I could borrow for the show.
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dodson!!! My name is Geraldo Borges, from Brazil, I´m a penciller (not so famous like you), but I did some works on Marvel (Nova) and DC (Wonder Woman). I´m a frequent visitor on your website, and making a sample test for Marvel, I discovered that the X-Men 3 pages script that I used for this sequence was drawn for you. I´d like you take a look on my pencils for page 3
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dodson!!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Geraldo Borges, from Brazil, I´m a penciller (not so famous like you), but I did some works on Marvel (Nova) and DC (Wonder Woman). I´m a frequent visitor on your website, and making a sample test for Marvel, I discovered that the X-Men 3 pages script that I used for this sequence was drawn for you. I´d like you take a look on my pencils for page 3
Thank you so much, congratulations for your excellent work and best regards...
Wow... sorry again, but the page that I´ve send to you (last comment) was page 02 from this test. Page 03 is below:
Big hug!!