Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spider-Men #3 Cover Step by Step

This is the variant cover to last summer's 3rd issue of the crossover miniseries "Spider-Men" featuring Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy. Lots of fun to work on!
 These are the roughs I sent in to Marvel for their approval - I knew from the start what I wanted to so you see very little change from rough to final which is nice for expediency!
 Here is the pencil version of the cover drawn on 11 x 17 Bristol Board with Light Blue Prismacolor and HB Pencil.
 Rachel Dodson's inks over my pencils - she used a Windsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Brush #2  and a croquille pen.
 Here are my initial and final colors for this done in Photoshop CS3 using my trusty 11 year old Wacom Intuos Graphics Tablet!
And how it looked when printed!



  1. So awesome. Beautiful work Terry and Rachel!

  2. Great composition and I think the work boots are an inspired choice that adds to her character.
